I know the narrative is that we can do it all, we should take full responsibility for our lives…
And I get some of that sentiment, but I don’t believe we can do it all.
Maybe because of what I have seen as a doctor.
Maybe because of my own personal experience.
Maybe because of what I see and hear in my interactions with incredible leaders and visionaries.
We are not invincible.
One of the many stories I love from The Bible is that of a man called Moses praying to God with outstretched arms while his nation was in battle.
As long as his arms were up, his nation were on the winning streak
When his arms started to droop, his nation started to lose.
Moses the leader, started to tire as the battle continued and his 2 friends helped him keep his arms up.
For me, it is a reminder of the importance of a support team even as leaders accomplish their mission.
It’s easy as leaders, or high achievers, or type A personalities to want to shoulder all the responsibility.
Of course, we are to own responsibility and lead.
But even leaders need support if they are to lead with longevity and in a way that is not detrimental to all the other areas of their life that are equally important.
So, have you intentionally created your own arm-holders list?
Who are the people you need championing and supporting you in your weary or challenging moments as you determinedly execute your mission?
I found it an encouraging and empowering exercise to go through recently.